It’s Time To Rekindle Your Love For Medicine


You and Medicine have been on the outs for a while. She’s been giving you the cold shoulder when you slide into bed at night. She doesn’t laugh at your jokes the way she used to. She can sense your resentment. What started as a love affair has dwindled to ambivalent interdependence. Medicine cooks, you do the dishes. Breaking routine …

Docs Who Cut Back #3: Xrayvsn


Xrayvsn is a radiologist practicing in the Southeastern U.S.  He’s a kindred spirit who factored lifestyle considerations into choosing his optimal job. His posts are notable for their candor and vulnerability; reading his personal account of divorce will leave you raw and grateful. He’s also created terrific series interviewing fellow bloggers (The X-ray Beam), assessing whether physicians can afford items …

Are You Having A Career ALTE?


Alternate Title: The Father, The Son And The Holy Crap! Careers in medicine have evolved over time. It’s always been a hard path, but previously, you knew what you were getting when you signed up. Recent changes have eliminated significant autonomy and prestige from a medical career. Increased debt conspires with decreased satisfaction until we unexpectedly encounter an Apparent Longevity …



Alternate Title: Carolina In My Mind This weekend was spent in North Carolina strengthening ties with people we love but see less often than we’d like. BT is one of those people. He was not a typical emergency medicine resident Most of us were single. BT was married with a kid. Most of us had family in California BT was …

FU Space


Those of us in the FI community are extremely familiar with the concept of FU money, the acquisition of funds sufficient that we are empowered to say no: to unwanted work, to aggravations, to servitude. I’d like to introduce a tangentially related the concept: FU space. Let’s define the concept as the ability to say no to the company of …