Exciting Times For An Underdog Blog!


Please check out my new article on Student Doctor Network, part one in a series on financial literacy for the newly minted physician! With apologies to my specialty’s journal, Annals of Emergency Medicine, whose format I’ve adopted, the following is an abstract and editor’s capsule summary to whet your appetite for the full article. ABSTRACT: Objective: An elder with credibility …

My Top Money Mistakes As A New Attending


“Regrets, I’ve had a few.  But then again, too few to mention…”  These famous lyrics from Frank Sinatra’s My Way unfortunately remind me that my financial decisions during my first decade earning an attending’s salary were chock full of regrets.  I did it my way, and I paid dearly.  With the sincere hope that you avoid these same pitfalls, following …

The Bank of Mom and Dad


Inspired by this post from Mr. Money Mustache, the wife and I sat down to figure out how we could teach our children about money.  At ages 7 and 9, we wanted to encourage saving and investing over consumerism and profligate spending.  Over a series of sit down discussions with the kids, we were able to cover some basics and …

What Uber Can Teach You About Investing


Uber, the ride-sharing colossus, was recently highlighted in a New York Times article that left them looking like a diabolical Bond villain.   Whether you regard Uber as a brilliant tech disrupter of the complacent taxi monopoly or an opportunistic lord abusing a new class of serfs, the provocatively titled article, “How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its’ Drivers’ Buttons,” …

How We Are Screwing Up Our Kids Part 2


Photo excerpted from my daughter’s recent 3rd grade Social Studies test: Q: Why do you think that some people are better at managing money than others? A: Some people might want to retire earlier but have enough money for them to be happy so they spend less money. That’s my girl!

Witness to the Dot Com Revolution


I was fortunate to live in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s.  As a product of Stanford and UCSF, and later an intern at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, I was a witness to the dot com revolution (and the subsequent dot com bubble) that swept the nation. Revenge of the NerdsOn the Stanford campus, the Yahoo guys …