Commit An Hour To Living The Examined Life


My invisible friend and fellow physician finance blogger, Matt Poyner, invested two years of his life in creating a talk for his fellow docs. Why might his education (formal and informal) and experiences compel you to spend an hour of your time with him?

Matt is a Canadian ER doc, married and a father of four boys, who sold his house, quit his job, and traveled the world for a year. The he returned home to give medicine one last chance to repair their broken relationship.

His process is every bit as extraordinary as his journey.

You may be thinking, "Canadia is nothing like the US, what with their politesse and socialized medicine!"

I'd be surprised if his struggle with burnout, search for meaning, and discovery of financial independence as a path to redefine a future on his terms do not resonate deeply with you.

You can find his talk here.