My Investor Policy Statement for Time


A key component of any financial plan includes an investor policy statement (IPS). The idea is to identify objectives, map a route to reach them, and detail the logistics in a manner where you can hold yourself accountable to the plan you create.

This is critical because in defining a specific course of action you create a model to stick to during times of financial turbulence. The biggest threat to achieving your goals is your very human frailty. Hard-wiring that served our ancestors well when the goal was to escape a lion on the savanna (change course abruptly!) will hose you financially as a modern investor.

Since money is just a tool to enable the proper allocation of time, an IPS offers a valuable framework for allocating the more rare and important resource. Using an outline from the Bogleheads wiki, here is my proposed IPS for my time:

Investment Objectives:

  1. Develop deep, meaningful connections with family, friends and community.
  2. Develop a robust inner scorecard. Feel comfortable in my skin.
  3. Limit my attachment to and pursuit of stuff.
  4. Steward our family's financial resources responsibly.
  5. Give more than I take. Do what I say I will do.
  6. Advocate for those on the margins.

Risk Tolerance:

  1. Do good deeds even when no good deed goes unpunished.
  2. Remain vulnerable despite risk of getting hurt.
  3. Take opportunities to connect, learn or understand despite risk of appearing foolish.

Holding Limits:

  1. Don't give in a way that leaves my wife or kids shouldering the burden of my generosity.
  2. Time giving to proper rhythms in life. Give money when my kids are young, give time as they grow older and more independent.
  3. Disengage toxic personalities who manipulate via guilt or shame.
  4. Don't attend every fight I'm invited to.

Target Allocation:

  1. Be a value-adding husband to my wife. Grow together, create a shared vision of our future, compromise. Make her happiness a top priority. Appreciate her.
  2. Imbue my children with wings, imagination, resiliency, love of learning and a work ethic. Fertilize the seeds I'm given without trying to bend them to my will.
  3. Be loving and present as a son and brother. Establish healthy boundaries and reasonable expectations. Give without enabling.

Selection Criteria

  1. No flakes.
  2. Reliable, present, thoughtful, values-driven.
  3. Willing to speak truth to power.

Review Process/Rebalancing

  1. Quarterly and annual reviews to set goals and evaluate progress, preferably over a glass of wine with my wife once the kids are asleep.
  2. Implement periodic tweaks to course-correct as needed.
  3. Evaluate based on: happiness, balance, passion, fulfillment, growth, fitness, purpose.