It’s Time To Rekindle Your Love For Medicine


You and Medicine have been on the outs for a while.

She's been giving you the cold shoulder when you slide into bed at night.

She doesn't laugh at your jokes the way she used to.

She can sense your resentment.

What started as a love affair has dwindled to ambivalent interdependence.

Medicine cooks, you do the dishes.

Breaking routine or separating households would only create more work for everyone.

What Medicine doesn't realize is you've started seeing FI (Financial Independence) on the sly.

It's platonic.

FI could see the hurt in your eyes, and invited you for an innocent coffee.

There, FI exposed you to ideas you'd never heard about in your years of work and training.

Ideas that could change your life trajectory.

Ideas that might just rescue your relationship with Medicine.

You felt a renewed sense of hope.

FI helped you find your long lost mojo.

Ever since you met FI, you've been looking at Medicine through different eyes.

She's suffered a progressive loss of autonomy and received mandates to meet productivity metrics.

She's seen her prestige diminished, her Press-Ganey scores dissected as if she were a customer service representative for a cellular carrier.

But beneath it all, you recognize she's unlike anything else out there.

You and Medicine are good together.

What you have between you still matters.

You are ready to renew your vows.

Go on, surprise Medicine this weekend with an unexpected trip to that bed and breakfast in the wine country.

Load the ipod with the songs by Barry White and Marvin Gaye for the drive.

Stop to pick up flowers and her favorite pad thai on the drive home from work today.

It's time to rekindle your love for Medicine.

Let FI help you get there.